Noisy Trains All Day and All Night in Jupiter & Tequest, Florida
Hello All,
Anyone hear “Noisy Trains All Day and All Night in Jupiter Florida”?
I wanted to do a personal post and start a conversation about the increase in train activity in the last year in Jupiter and Tequesta. It has been literally around the clock. I know everyone is opposing this All Aboard Florida Garbage that our government trying to push through but right but are they already doing it with the normal trains all day and all night. Last night I counted 7 trains from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m.
I want to start a survey and conversation because something is going on and I am not hearing about it on the news. I am hearing it in my home all day and all night.
I live on Skyline Drive in Jensen Beach and am experiencing the same problems. The trains are running and blowing their horns all night. My husband said that there was a newspaper article about FEC recently buying new trains with louder horns. This is definitely affecting my sleep and my property value. With the purchase of the new trains, I’m beginning to believe that there is some truth to this really being all about freight.