
Tips on Conversion Funnels

Constructing a funnel that converts is the aim of internet marketing. It provides leads and customers, the lifeblood of ecommerce. One of the most effective methods for constructing a funnel that is optimized for greater conversions is called the LIFT model. Here is an overview of how to put it together and test it.

What Is LIFT?

LIFT stands for Landing Page Influence Function for Tests, a model developed by Chris Goward for WiderFunnel. It has proved to increase conversion rates for their clients by an impressive 10% to 277%.

With webpage funnels, you need to constantly test your results and tweak what you’re doing. But what framework do you start with and how do you know what to test? LIFT answers these questions, providing a structure that helps you build an effective, converting funnel.

The model uses six conversion factors as part of its optimization framework. These help you look at your landing like a visitor does and evaluate their effectiveness.

Here is a look at the six factors.

Factor #1. Value Proposition

This means the visitor can answer the age-old customer question “What’s in it for me?” positively. It is the most important of the six factors and the one that provides the vehicle for conversion.

Factor #2: Relevance

This asks, “Does the page supply the information that the visitor was expecting?” Especially important is using words that your visitor understands and can relate to. The data on the page must make sense and be what your visitor thought she was going to find or she will be disoriented and move on.

Factor #3. Clarity

Does what the visitor find on the page make it totally clear what the value proposition is? Do they understand what you are asking them to do, the call to action? This is done both with the webpage design and with the content on it. Design must facilitate easy eye-flow over the page. Content and its formatting must make information easy to scan and understand.

Factor #4. Urgency

Does the visitor understand that the call to action has a deadline and should be done right away? The tone of the page and the way you present the information should spur an immediate reaction on the part of your visitor to the offers and the deadline.

Factor #5. Anxiety

Why would your visitor hesitate? What type of misgivings might she have when viewing the design and content? With the proper design and content, you build credibility and trust with your visitor, which will mitigate anxiety.

Factor #6. Distraction

What on the webpage is keeping your visitor from focusing completely on your message and call to action? If you are asking her to do too much in a single visit, she won’t do anything. Minimize distractions like unnecessary links, products or content.

The LIFT model has been taught at a university and used by conversion experts to improve the bottom line for a wide range of internet marketers and their products. By approaching webpage optimization in a structured, well thought out way, you can dramatically increase the quantity of products bought and the number of people who supply contact information.